The highly anticipated SENSEI FilmFest, conceived from a union of Asian-American vision and global diversity, is thrilled to announce the commencement of its summer online film festival. Scheduled for Friday, August 25, the virtual cinema will highlight the winners and official jury selection for the year.
Founded by a talented team of international professionals with a mutual passion for infusing Japanese aesthetics into Western cinema, the SENSEI FilmFest transcends geographical boundaries. Through the power of remote collaboration, the festival emerges as an epicenter of cultural and artistic exchange, bringing together cinematic traditions from both the East and West.
(L-R) Tolyatti Adrift (Spain) by Laura Sistero. Sgt. Stubby: An Unlikely Hero (Canada) by Richard Lanni. “North Star” (USA) by P.J. Palmer
SENSEI’s guiding principle is to champion independent creators, viewing them as the unsung superheroes of the cinema world. This platform is committed to amplifying their voices, offering them unparalleled audience reach, significant press coverage, and a spirited competition.
The festival’s global appeal is evident in its diverse thematic range, welcoming a myriad of genres and styles. From film, television, animation, and documentaries to the realms of web media, podcasts, and screenwriting, SENSEI is a testament to the vast expanse of creative expression in today’s world.
Ensuring the utmost integrity and expertise in the festival’s adjudication process is an elite international jury comprised of:
– Alan Chung-An, Ou (Taiwan)
– Lyuwei Chen (USA)
– Eugene Leung (Australia)
– Henrik Pilerud (Sweden)
– Hsun-Chun Chuang (Taiwan)
– Jach Chow (Hong Kong)
– Jody Xiong (China)
– Kazuyoshi Hayashi (Japan)
– Victor Verhaeghe (USA)
– Erik Borner (Germany)
Each jury member, renowned in their respective cinematic specialties, will meticulously evaluate submissions, ensuring that the festival’s selections represent the zenith of global cinematic artistry.
Join SENSEI FilmFest this Friday for an unforgettable dive into a world where art, culture, and cinema collide.
For further information and festival details, please visit www.senseifilmfest.com
Main image: “The Eye: Calanthek” (United States) by Aaron Sims